Campus Drills and Exercises
CSU San Bernardino regularly conducts various drills and exercises, and participates in outside agency's drills and exercise, in order to better prepare our campus community should disaster strike. Some of the drills/exercises that are conducted include building evacuation drills, Emergency Operations Center (EOC) exercises, and campus-wide drills (such as the 2014 Active Shooter Exercise). CSUSB also actively participates in outside agency exercises such as the Great Shake Out Earthquake Exercise and the Statewide Medical and Health Exercise in conjunction with San Bernardino County Department of Public Health.

Building Evacuation Drills
CSUSB's Office of Emergency Management and Business Continuity, in conjunction with the campus Building and Floor Marshals, conducts regular building evacuation exercises to better prepare the campus community should the need arise to evacuate any campus building. The campus Building and Floor Marshals exercise their respective Building (Emergency) Action Plans, to ensure proper procedures and protocols are in place to safely and quickly evacuate should a disaster strike.

Great Shake Out Exercise
Southern California has been referred to as "earthquake country". In order to get CSUSB's campus community prepared for any potential earthquakes, CSUSB annually participates in the Great Shake Out exercise, which promotes earthquake awareness to the campus community and encourages students, faculty, and staff to "drop, cover, and hold on" during a simulated earthquake held annually in October. As part of this exercise, CSU San Bernardino tests our emergency notification systems to campus. These systems have the capability to reach the campus community through landlines, cell phones, texting, email, and outside loudspeakers.
2023 Active Shooter Exercise
CSUSB's Office of Emergency Management and Business Continuity Planning and University Police Department planned and conducted a full-scale Active Shooter Exercise on December 18, 2023. This campus-wide exercise' planning partners included the campus Building Evacuation Teams, Public Affairs Department, Health and Counseling Center, and Facilities Services Department. University Police simulated an active shooter situation, while mock "victims" were cared for through simulated triage operations, and students, faculty, and staff were encourage to practice "shelter-in-place" procedures.