Joe Gutierrez Office of Strategic Communication 909-537-5007

Cal State San Bernardino’s Staff Council has put together 350 “Cody’s Champ Packs,” special kits to help students as Finals Week approaches. The council assembled the packs, which contain exam blue books, Scantron sheets, pencils, a container of microwavable macaroni and cheese, and “popcorn to help the students when they are under the tremendous stress of finals and need something to crunch on,” said Staff Council Chair Rob Garcia. The council took the initiative to create the kits working with the Obershaw DEN food pantry and the Division of Advancement Services, which contributed $1,000 and “We Define the Future” bags to the effort, Garcia said. The packs are available at the Obershaw DEN in the university’s Faculty Office Building and will be distributed to students. While students are being asked to donate food to the Obershaw DEN, it is not a requirement, Garcia said. The council has already contributed 50 of Cody’s Champ packs to the CSUSB Palm Desert Campus, he said. “We want to get the word out to our students about the kits and to any student in need beyond the Champ Packs that they should reach out to the DEN,” Garcia said. The council plans to make Cody’s Champ Packs an ongoing event, making them available to students during finals weeks in the winter and spring quarters, Garcia said.