Michael Singer Office of Strategic Communication CSUSB Palm Desert Campus (760) 341-2883, ext. 78107 msinger@csusb.edu

Cal State San Bernardino’s Palm Desert Campus hosted its 19th annual Golf Classic at Stone Eagle Golf Club on April 23 to raise funds for student scholarships.
The event included golf, lunch, a hosted cocktail hour and dinner event, raffle, helicopter ball-drop and special player gifts. Major event sponsors included Rabobank and Stone Eagle Golf Club.
Located in beautiful Palm Desert, the CSUSB Palm Desert Campus offers bachelor’s and master’s degrees, a doctorate in educational leadership, and teacher credentials and certificates. With more than 1,400 students, it is the Coachella Valley’s four-year public university and plays a vital role in educating and training the region’s growing population.
For more information about the CSUSB Palm Desert Campus, contact Mike Singer in the campus’ Office of Public Affairs at msinger@csusb.edu or (760) 341-2883, ext. 78107, or visit the campus website at pdc.csusb.edu.