CSUSB Theatre Box Office (909) 537-5884 theatrearts@csusb.edu. Joe Gutierrez Office of Strategic Communication (909) 537-5007 joeg@csusb.edu

Written around 1611 and widely considered to be his final play, William Shakespeare’s classic “The Tempest” splashes down on the Ronald E. Barnes stage at Cal State San Bernardino beginning Nov. 10.
Directed by department chair, Professor Terry Donovan Smith, “The Tempest” tells the tale of a royal family stranded on a mysterious island ruled by Prospero (Isaiah Dodo-Williams), a magical, deposed duke orchestrating an elaborate plan to reclaim his lordship by marrying his daughter Miranda (Shannon Ricciardi) off to the love-struck castaway Ferdinand (Garrett Vaughn), while the other castaways plot to overthrow him and take over the island.
Among its many adaptations over the years, “The Tempest” was produced as a feature film directed by Julie Taymor in 2010, starring Helen Mirren as Prospera and Felicity Jones as Miranda. Other productions have featured such actors as John Cassavetes and Peter Fonda with the earliest film version dating back to 1905. The classic sci-fi film “The Forbidden Planet” was also directly adapted from “The Tempest.”
With an incredible set design, enhanced by beautiful projections and contemporary music, this modern take on a true Shakespearean classic will run Nov.10, 11, 16, 17 and 18 at 8 p.m., Nov. 12, 18 and 19 at 2 p.m.
Individual and season tickets can be purchased from the CSUSB Theatre Arts Box Office or online at theatre.csusb.edu. Subscriptions range from $20 to $50, with individual tickets at $6 for students and children under 17; $12 for faculty, staff, senior citizens and military; and $15 for adults.
Performances take place in the Ronald E. Barnes Theatre on the CSUSB campus. Parking at CSUSB is $6 Monday-Friday and $3 on the weekend, but is available for free with a 2017-18 theatre arts season subscription.
For additional information, please contact the Theatre Box Office at (909) 537-5884 or theatrearts@csusb.edu.
For more information on Cal State San Bernardino, contact the university’s Office of Strategic Communication at (909) 537-5007 and visit news.csusb.edu.