Cal State San Bernardino launches its annual Faculty-Staff Giving Campaign to continue to raise funds for Student Basic Needs.
The office of Annual Giving will continue to encourage participation from current and retired CSUSB faculty and staff from March 15-April 23 to make a gift to the Basic Needs Program or any college, department, or program of their choosing. With a goal of $100,000, faculty and staff will continue to make a difference, touching every aspect of campus life – from students to departments, athletics, and non-academic programs, as well as keeping our campus beautiful.
Donations will be accepted via payroll deduction (minimum $5), via intercampus mail (for any Faculty/Staff working on campus), online (www.csusb.edu/makeagift), or via text (text “CSUSB” to “41444).
For more information on the campaign focus and how to make a gift, visit www.csusb.edu/fsc.
Please contact the Office of Annual Giving staff for any questions or concerns:
Carolina VanZee, Director of Annual Giving
Carolina.vanzee@csusb.edu or (909) 537-5009
Susana Barbosa, Annual Giving Marketing and Program Specialist
Susana.barbosa@csusb.edu or (909) 537-7288