Mike Singer | CSUSB Office of Strategic Communication | (760) 341-2883, ext. 78107 | msinger@csusb.edu

The Taste of Research event, hosted by the Office of Student Research (OSR) at Cal State San Bernardino, was held at the CSUSB Palm Desert Campus on Dec. 1.
The mission of the Office of Student Research is to facilitate the engagement of students in scholarly and creative activities related to their disciplines by providing resources that support both student scholars and faculty mentors.
The event kicked off with a welcome by Palm Desert Campus Dean Jake Zhu, followed by remarks by Ryan Keating, OSR director, who discussed the importance of undergraduate students getting involved with research during their time at CSUSB.
Palm Desert Campus faculty members Sarah Dunn, kinesiology; Pablo Gomez, psychology; Michael Karp, history; and Deirdre Lanesskog, social work, participated in a panel discussion to share their thoughts about undergraduate research. They all agreed that participating in research activities as an undergraduate student helps develop important and necessary skills for the job market and graduate school.
Students gave oral presentations about the posters they created, highlighting their current research projects.
Attendees also toured the kinesiology and psychology laboratory spaces at PDC to get a first-hand look at where campus research is being performed.
For more information about the Office of Student Research at CSUSB, visit the OSR website.

social work; Michael Karp, assistant professor of history; Ryan William Keating, director of the Office of Student Research and chair of the history department; and Sarah Dunn, associate professor of kinesiology.