Joe Gutierrez | Office of Strategic Communication | (909) 537-3007 |

Coinciding with the annual Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving held on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving in the U.S., Cal State San Bernardino is hosting its sixth university-wide campaign on Tuesday, Nov. 29, to raise funds for student scholarships and programs.
Last year, 389 donors helped raise a total of $90,000, with $60,000 worth of scholarships awarded. This year’s goal is to get 500 people to participate and give back to the Coyote pack.
CSUSB strives to be the helping force when state and federal funding fall short. With the generous support of donors, gifts to any CSUSB fund help fill these gaps and support programs, such as the Obershaw DEN Food Pantry, helping provide warm meals to the 37% of students facing food insecurities at both the San Bernardino and Palm Desert campuses.
No matter the size, a gift to CSUSB will immediately impact the learning environment and development of students. Donors do not have to wait until Nov. 29 to donate and can make a contribution today.
To make a direct impact, please make a gift at the CSUSB Giving Tuesday website or by calling (909) 537-4555. For more details on #GivingTuesdayCSUSB, visit the Annual Giving website or contact Susana Barbosa, interim associate director of annual giving, at
To learn more about the international Giving Tuesday campaign, visit the Giving Tuesday website.