Mike Singer | CSUSB Office of Marketing and Communications | (760) 341-2883, ext. 78107 | msinger@csusb.edu

The 2024 Student ShowCASE took place at the CSUSB Palm Desert Campus on Nov. 14 with more than 100 attendees.
Twenty-five students from various disciplines presented their creative activities, scholarly works and research to faculty jurors who rated their posters.
And the top winners are:
First place: Jason Davalos, Nicollete Cataag and Anthony Arrellano: “Structured Transition to Nursing Practice” supervised by Justin Schneider, a nursing faculty member.
Three-way tie for second place:
(1) Kailey Jan, Paola Godinez, and Angelique Gallegos: “Hospice and Palliative Nursing” supervised by Justin Schneider, a nursing faculty member.
(2) Luis Valadez and Dominick Cece-Sherley: “Anticipation on Landing Error Scoring” supervised by Warren Forbes, a kinesiology faculty member.
(3) Del Gerard: “Lifting Black Leaders” supervised by Michelle Russen, a hospitality management faculty member.
Third place: Eileen Hernandez: “Angel Shots: A Silent Call for Safety” supervised by Michelle Russen, a hospitality management faculty member.
The event was sponsored by the PDC Scholarly Research and Creative Activities Committee, whose goal is to foster scholarly research and creative activities for faculty and students at the CSUSB Palm Desert Campus.

About the CSUSB Palm Desert Campus: The CSUSB Palm Desert Campus is dedicated to providing a transformative educational experience in the Coachella Valley. With a focus on academic excellence and community engagement, the campus offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs designed to meet the diverse needs of its students and the region.
For more information about the CSUSB Palm Desert Campus, contact Mike Singer in the Office of Marketing and Communications at msinger@csusb.edu or (760) 341-2883, ext. 78107, or visit the PDC website at www.csusb.edu/pdc.