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August 19, 2019

Highland Community News — An article about Time for Change’s 13th annual Star Studded Awards Gala on April 15 mentioned that Cal State San Bernardino President Tomás Morales will be honored with the Community Education Champion Award. The...

August 19, 2019

The Press-Enterprise — In an article about the Super Tuesday presidential primaries, Brian Janiskee, chairman of the political science department at Cal State San Bernardino, said that barring a drastic change, “California’s chance to play a pivotal...

August 19, 2019

The Intercept — Brian Levin, a professor and director of the California State University, San Bernardino Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, was quoted in an article about the appeal of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to white...

August 19, 2019

Los Angeles Times — An article that looked at the white supremacist group that sparked a brawl at an Anaheim park on Feb. 27 quoted Brian Levin, director of Cal State San Bernardino’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism.

Levin said the...

August 19, 2019

Record-Gazette (Banning/Beaumont) — Complementing the usual bouts of dodge ball during the Saturday Banning Police Activities League sessions at Nicolet Middle School last weekend was a group of social work students who were on hand to help promote...

August 19, 2019

The Desert Sun — Dr. Ward Fredericks, president (volunteer) of the Advancement Board at California State University, San Bernardino, Palm Desert Campus, wrote: “The future of this campus is now in the hands of a new generation of leadership. You can...

August 19, 2019

The Sun — Since its opening in November, the Garcia Center for the Arts in San Bernardino has made progress in collaborating with other groups to enhance the arts in the communities, wrote columnist Michel Nolan.

“We have collaborated with the...

August 19, 2019

High Desert Daily — Cal State San Bernardino undergraduate student Joshua Adamson earned a top paper award in the Undergraduate Scholars Research Conference category at the 13th annual Western States Communication Association convention in San Diego...

August 19, 2019 — The battle between Apple and the U.S. Department of Justice over access to information on the iPhone used by the perpetrators of the San Bernardino terrorist attacks is only the latest example of the struggle Americans are having as...

August 19, 2019

Desert Charities News — Cal State San Bernardino’s Palm Desert Campus will hold its 17th annual Golf Classic at Stone Eagle Golf Club on Monday, April 25, to raise money to support student scholarships and campus development programs.

The article...

August 19, 2019

Higher Education Today — Cal State San Bernardino President Tomás Morales was one of the speakers at an American Council on Education’s 2016 conference panel that focused on how to create and sustain lasting higher education partnerships between...

August 19, 2019

Inland Empire Business Daily — Mike Stull, a business professor and director of the Inland Empire Center of Entrepreneurship at Cal State San Bernardino, commented on the city of Riverside being added to the Obama Administration’s TechHire program...