The work of the DEI Faculty Fellows will align with CSUSB’s strategic plan to enhance the university’s DEI commitment, resources and support for faculty across ranks.

An article co-written by Abhilasha Srivastava (economics) was cited in an editorial about outlawing caste-based discrimination, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed for articles on the killing of a Cedar Glen merchant who flew a pride flag outside her store.

Sonia Otte, MSPA founding program director, Daniel MacDonald, associate professor and chair of the economics department, and Brian Levin, director of CSUSB’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, were each interviewed in their area of expertise.

Daniel MacDonald (economics) weighed in on affordable housing in Chino, Brian Levin (criminal justice) wrote an opinion column on the extremist group, the Proud Boys, and Teresa A. Velásquez (anthropology), Lisa Looney (psychology) and Eugene Wong (child development) had their research published.

Kelly Campbell (psychology) was quoted in an article about a dating app that promotes extra-marital affairs, and Yasemin Dildar (economics) published a paper the impact of pronatalist rhetoric on women's fertility preferences in Turkey.

Daniel MacDonald (economics), Beth Steffel (art), Tony Coulson (cybersecurity) and Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences) were included in recent news coverage.

CSUSB’s The College Tour episode provides prospective students with the opportunity to learn from 10 current students through their individual perspectives. The program is coming to Amazon Prime in November; however, you can watch the full episode now on CSUSB’s The College Tour website.

Meredith Conroy (political science), Daniel MacDonald (economics), Kelly Campbell (psychology), and Brian Levin (criminal justice) shared their expertise with the news media this week.

Daniel MacDonald (economics) discussed the Inland Empire’s employment outlook and the economy, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed about new hate crime data and other related topics.