Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed for a segment on the increase in antisemitic incidents in Los Angeles, and Montgomery van Wart (public administration) and Mirada McIntyre (psychology) collaborated on an article on “the interlocking concepts of social inclusion, social exclusion, radicalization, and societal collapse.”
A paper on U.S.-Mexico border issues by Kimberly Collins (public administration) was cited in an article, Brian Levin (criminal justice) commented on an arrest of a suspect who shot two Jewish men in Los Angeles, and a paper Pablo Gomez (psychology) cowrote on letter-similarity effects occur in reading braille was published.
Brian Levin (criminal justice), Francisca Beer (finance) and Kelly Campbell (psychology) shared their expertise with news media, and Jurgita Abromaviciute (sociology) and Luba Levin-Banchik (political science) recently published some of their research.
Keting Chen (child development) cowrote a paper that examined outdoor play preferences of toddlers, and Brian Levin (Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism) was quoted in an article about reaction to the release of the Pelosi tape.
Kelly Campbell (psychology) was quoted in an article about a dating app that promotes extra-marital affairs, and Yasemin Dildar (economics) published a paper the impact of pronatalist rhetoric on women's fertility preferences in Turkey.
Brian Levin (criminal justice) discussed the increase in reported hate crimes in San Antonio, Texas, and Cary Barber (history) published a paper, “Politics in the Roman Republic: Perspectives from Niebuhr to Gelzer.”
Janet L. Kottke and Kenneth S. Shultz (psychology) published a paper on “getting the word out” about I-O psychology, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) discussed the latest statistics that show a continuing increase in hate crimes.
Sonia Otte (Master of Science Physician Assistant program), Codi Lazar (geological sciences) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) were included in recent news coverage.
Meredith Conroy (political science), Brian Levin (criminal justice) and Kimberly Collins (public administration) were included in recent news coverage.