Brian Levin (criminal justice), Tony Coulson (information decision sciences), Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) and David Yaghoubian (history), and Matthew Des Lauriers (anthropology) were included in recent news coverage in areas of their expertise.

Anthropology associate professor Matthew Des Lauriers takes a holistic approach to research that involves experimental, field and qualitative research.

At CSUSB, Manuel G. Galaviz found a community of educators and peers that encouraged and motivated his intellectual pursuits to help carry him forward in life and his career.

No matter what path our Coyotes take after graduation, they are prepared to tackle the workforce and excel. One in five CSUSB students with a bachelor’s degree attends graduate or professional schools after graduation.

At CSUSB, Manuel G. Galaviz found a community of educators and peers that encouraged and motivated his intellectual pursuits to help carry him forward in life and his career.

This spring semester, CSUSB introduced Latin American Studies 2000, its first-ever introductory and interdisciplinary course on the study of Latin America, which draws on the expertise of five different faculty members from across campus.

The university’s ongoing dialogue about race and law enforcement will resume at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18, with the program “South Asia at a Crossroads with BLM: Caste, Color, and Intersections of Identity.” The program will take place on Zoom.

Guy Hepp (anthropology), Terri Nelson (world languages and literatures), Brian Levin (criminal justice) and Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) were mentioned in recent news coverage on various topics.

Matthew Des Lauriers (anthropology), Brian Levin (criminal justice), David Yaghoubian (history), Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) and Enrique Murillo Jr. (education) were included in recent news coverage.