The work of Kathryn Ervin (theatre arts), Barbara Sirotnik (statistics and supply chain management) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) are featured by news media.

The free GenCyber summer camps, held in partnership with the Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio, will run June 19-23 and June 26-30.

Alemayehu Mariam writes on the Trump administration's influence on the release of Ethopian political prisoners; Wil Greer to speak at a community MLK Jr. event; Barbara Sirotnik reports on the region’s economy.

Cal State San Bernardino graduate and undergraduate students will showcase their research and creative activities at the annual research symposium on Thursday, May 17.

The annual event showcasing the research and creativity of CSUSB students is set for Thursday, May 16, at the Santos Manuel Student Union.

CSUSB's Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration is among the top business schools in the world in the magazine's rankings.

Barbara Sirotnick (Institute for Applied Research and Policy Analysis), and Brian Levin and Kevin Grisham (Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism) are interviewed by reporters.