RAFFMA's Festival de Calaveras was featured on Spectrum News 1, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) discussed the 'red flags' in the comments made by a California 50th District Congressional Candidate about the group Defend East County.

Visit RAFFMA’s website and @RAFFMAcsusb social media pages to view the virtual Festival de Calaveras exhibition. All calaveras will be auctioned Oct. 30 and Oct. 31 to raise money for student scholarships.

Dr. W. Benson Harer, longtime friend and supporter of CSUSB and the Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art, has been named the recipient of the book club’s 2020 Emory Award.

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, RAFFMA presents Festival de Calaveras, where participants decorate a calavera in September and show off their designs virtually in October. Contactless calavera pickup will take place at RAFFMA in Lot M on Sept. 15 and 16. Participants will have approximately two weeks to decorate and return the completed calavera to RAFFMA on Sept. 28 and 29.

Kate Liszka and David Yaghoubian (history), Brian Levin (criminal justice) and Anthony Silard (public administration) were included in recent news coverage.

In a lecture with CSUSB history associate professor Kate Liszka, learn how various tombs were broken into in antiquity, how the Egyptians designed their tombs in an attempt to ward off tomb robbers, and how the tomb robbers were tried and punished for their crimes.

The Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art presents the virtual Kids Discover Egypt workshop July 20-24, which will feature children’s activities and ancient Egyptian lessons.

The objective of International Museum Week, May 18-22, according to the International Council of Museums, is to raise awareness on the fact that “museums are an important means of cultural exchange, enrichment of cultures and development of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace among peoples.”

RAFFMA at CSUSB and the Dorsky Museum at SUNY New Paltz have joined to present a symposium on the work of artist Jan Sawka. The online event will be livestreamed on YouTube (RAFFMAcsusb) on May 2 at 10 a.m.