Virtual Justice Luncheons are set to be presented on Monday, March 1, with Brandon Butler, deputy director of Fair Employment and Housing, and Wednesday, March 3, with Project Rebound staff. Both will take place at noon.

“Come Thru” Justice Luncheons are set to be presented on Nov. 17 with Brandon Butler, deputy director of Fair Employment and Housing, and Nov. 18, with Project Rebound staff.

Project Rebound and Club Rebound at CSUSB are joining with campus and community groups to present a workshop on Thursday, Aug. 6, from 11 a.m.-noon for the formerly incarcerated to properly prepare for job interviews.

“Employment After Incarceration: Know your Rights Training for People with Records,” to be held virtually on Friday, June 12, from noon-3 p.m., is open to people with records and service providers, and is free to attend. Registration can be done online.

The training session is open to all businesses and is free to attend. Registration can be done online.