Beth A. Steffel has served on the ASCSU in various capacities including as vice chair, secretary, executive committee member, vice chair of the Fiscal and Governmental Affairs Committee, and ASCSU Senator.

Katherine Gray (art) was interviewed on KVCR’s “Lifestyles with Lillian Vasquez,” Jacob Jones (psychology) and Zhaojing Chen (kinesiology) will lead a study on Parkinson’s disease with an NIH grant, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) provided historical context in articles about an assault in Los Angeles that is being investigated as an anti-Semitic hate crime.

Katherine Gray (art) was named the university’s 2020-21 Outstanding Professor, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) provides a glimpse on the increasing hate crimes in the early part of 2021 in which Asian Americans are the victims.

“I feel super lucky to be part of this community and have this job that I absolutely love,” said Katherine Gray upon being surprised with the award during a Zoom call.

Tamara Cedré (art and design) participated in a panel about the state of photography education, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) discussed the implications of last weekend’s “Million MAGA March” in Washington, D.C.

The Department of Art & Design celebrated on Nov. 19 the launch of its new BA in art history and global cultures program and the Art History & Global Cultures Lecture Series with the inaugural lecture “Alfredo Jaar: It Is Difficult” with internationally renowned artist Alfredo Jaar.