Through surveys, open-ended responses and interviews, Amy van Schagen, associate professor in the CSUSB child development department, and her team of student research assistants gathered information about perceived experiences with racism within early childhood education.

Laura Kamptner, professor emeritus, child development, is the first recipient of the award renamed for her: the Laura Kamptner Champion for Children, Parents, and Families Award.

Chrystina Smith-Rasshan will work in collaboration with ICDFR director Mark Agars to oversee the multitude of institute programs and activities.

Mark Agars, professor of psychology and director of the Institute for Child Development and Family Relations, will be the keynote speaker at the third annual HARC Coachella Valley Workplace Wellness Awards luncheon on Thursday, June 7.

Dwight Sweeney (special education, rehabilitation and counseling), Kevin Grisham (geography and environmental studies) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) share their expertise with news media.