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Black History Month

February 3, 2020

To honor Black History Month, Cal State San Bernardino will hold a number of events on campus throughout the month of February to recognize and celebrate the heritage, culture and contributions of African Americans in the United States.

Global leader and entrepreneur, Janice Bryant Howroyd
January 31, 2020

“Balance isn’t levered by you alone,” Howroyd said on Jan. 30 in the university’s Santos Manuel Student Union. “You got to be thoughtful that somebody else is winning along with you.”

January 23, 2020
See how “We Define the Future” in this latest edition of Inside CSUSB, an informative video series highlighting the latest events and exceptional achievements here at Cal State San Bernardino.
temp news release
February 2, 2017

The annual event is set for 9 a.m. Feb. 24 at the Santos Manuel Student Union. Tickets, at $20 each, are now on sale.

temp news release
February 24, 2017

“Leadership, Legacy, and Lineage” was celebrated Friday morning at the 5th annual breakfast.

Faculty in the news, SMSU
February 9, 2018

The work off campus by David Carlson and Juan Delgado (English), Sant Khalsa (art), Tony Coulson (information and decision sciences) and Kathryn Ervin (theatre arts) is chronicled in the local news media.

February 14, 2018

“Of Ebony Embers: Vignettes of the Harlem Renaissance,” will be performed by the Core Ensemble, featuring Dracyn Blount, at the SMSU Theater on Tuesday, Feb. 27, at noon. Free admission, but space is limited.

February 16, 2018

Community members will be honored for their service by the Cal State San Bernardino Black Faculty, Staff and Student Association at the 6th annual Pioneer Breakfast on Friday, Feb. 23.

February 23, 2018

Local community members were honored for their service and student scholarship recipients were announced by the Cal State San Bernardino Black Faculty, Staff and Student Association at the sixth annual Pioneer Breakfast on Feb. 23.