The Oct. 28 event will include presentations and a roundtable discussion that focuses on what fascism is, how it works and what the ramifications of it are as a political system and ideology.

David Carlson, chair of the CSUSB English department, focuses on interdisciplinary research integrating the fields of indigenous culture, law and literature.

The latest edition of Transmotion: An Online Journal of Indigenous Studies, a Cal State San Bernardino-sponsored journal, is now available online.

The latest edition of Transmotion: An Online Journal of Indigenous Studies, a Cal State San Bernardino-sponsored journal, is now available online.

The work off campus by David Carlson and Juan Delgado (English), Sant Khalsa (art), Tony Coulson (information and decision sciences) and Kathryn Ervin (theatre arts) is chronicled in the local news media.

The campus community is invited to the 12th College of Arts & Letters Faculty Colloquium held Monday, Feb. 4, from 2 to 3:45 p.m. in the John M. Pfau Library, Room 4005.