NOTE: Faculty, if you are interviewed and quoted by news media, or if your work has been cited, and you have an online link to the article or video, please let us know. Contact us at news@csusb.edu.
CSUSB faculty participating in Native Voices Poetry FestivalRecord Gazette (Banning/Beaumont)Feb. 8, 2018
Cal State San Bernardino faculty will be among those participating in “The Heart and The Word,” Dorothy Ramon Learning Center’s free Native Voices Poetry Festival in Banning, on Saturday, Feb. 10.
David Carlson, professor and chair of the English department at Cal State San Bernardino, will lead the “Multi-Modal Native Poetry” workshop. Digital storytelling and poetry, and how indigenous poets add to the power of the written word with online video, music and art, will be discussed.
Juan Delgado, co-chair of Native Voices Poetry Festival, poet, and creative writing professor at Cal State San Bernardino, will lead the “Place and Identity” workshop, which will explore the interactions of language, history, and environment in a given place.
Read the complete article at “Native Voices Poetry Festival celebrates the human voice in all the arts.”
CSUSB professor emerita Sant Khalsa is juror for Redlands Art Association’s 49th annual Multi-Media Mini Show
Redlands Daily Facts
Feb. 8, 2018
Sant Khalsa, a professor emerita of art of Cal State San Bernardino, is the juror for the Redlands Art Association’s 49th annual Multi-Media Mini Show, which will be on exhibit from Feb. 22-March 15 at the Redlands Art Association Gallery. She will choose the winners of the competition and award more than $2,000 in cash and product awards.
A photographer and mixed-media artist, Khalsa’s photographs, mixed-media sculptures and installation works have been shown internationally in more than 175 exhibitions and are acquired by museum collections including the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Center for Creative Photography in Tucson, Nevada Museum of Art in Reno and UCR/California Museum of Photography. She chaired the CSUSB art department from 2003 to 2012.
The Multi-Media Mini Show is unusual in that all media are accepted, but the size of the piece is limited to 14.5 inches, including base or frame. Entries may include photography, digital work, fiber art, drawings, glass and sculptures in wood, stone or metal, as well as the traditional fine arts.
Read the complete article at “Great art in small packages.”
Girl Scouts partnership with CSUSB Cyber Security Center mentioned in articleIdyllwild Town CrierFeb. 7, 2018
A feature story on the community of Idyllwild establishing its own Girl Scout troop mentioned among the Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council’s programs its partnership with the Cyber Security Center at CSUSB.
“Our council is noted for cyber security,” GSSGC Development Chief Chuck MacKinnon said, “in partnership with Cal State San Bernardino, which is in the top echelon nationwide for cyber security study, research and programs, according to Cal State San Bernardino Professor Tony Coulson.”
Read the complete article at “Changing the world, one cookie and one girl at a time.”
CSUSB faculty and alumnus part of Crafton Hills College’s celebration of Black History MonthRedlands Daily FactsFeb. 7, 2018
An article about Crafton Hills College celebrating Black History Month noted that a CSUSB faculty member and a CSUSB alumnus will be among the presenters at events it planned for February.
On Thursday, Feb. 22, Kathryn Ervin, a professor of theater arts at Cal State San Bernardino and recipient of numerous theater awards and an NAACP Pioneer Award, will deliver a lecture on the history of Black theater, 1-2 p.m. in LRC 226.
On Tuesday, Feb. 27, Jonathan P. Higgins, who earned his bachelor’s degree in communication studies from CSUSB, is a Pride curriculum educator, Lambda Literary Writing Fellow, and TED speaker, will discuss empowering marginalized communities in his presentation entitled “Unlearning Fear, Embracing Personal Power,” 1-3:30 p.m. at the Applied Technology Training Center, 114 S. Del Rosa Drive No. 120, San Bernardino.
Read the complete article at “How Crafton Hills College is connecting Black History Month to contemporary issues.”
These news clips and others may be found at “In the Headlines” on the Inside CSUSB website.