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How to Request a Cody Appearance

How to Request a Cody Appearance

Thank you for your interest in requesting an appearance by Cody the Coyote for your event! All requests should be received at least three (3) weeks prior to the event. If any mascot requests are made less than three (3) weeks prior to the event, there will be every effort to meet the request, but no guarantees will be made. If you have a more urgent need, please let us know! We may be able to make accommodations based on Cody availability. 

Requests will typically be responded to in three (3) to five (5) business days. This is based on availability of Cody and staff. In the event that an appearance must be cancelled, New Student Orientation and Family Programs should be given three (3) days prior notice.

Cody the Coyote may participate in the following activities:

  • Greet guests
  • Pose for photos
  • Sign autographs
  • Photoshoots & social media videos
  • Other activities at his discretion, so long as neither his safety nor the cleanliness of the costume will be compromised


The following conveniences must be provided for Cody:

  • A dedicated handler to serve as a liaison between the mascot and the guests and to accompany Cody for the duration of the appearance.
  • A private changing area (public restrooms do not constitute a private changing area).
  • Drinking water.
  • A 10-minute break every 20 minutes in a climate controlled area. Cody may not be in the costume for more than 30 consecutive minutes at any point during the appearance.
  • Safety of our mascot is of the utmost importance. Cody may excuse himself from any event where he believes his safety may be compromised. He may also excuse himself for inclement weather (i.e. rain, hail, etc.).
  • We reserve the right to refuse any appearance and will decide if any appearance conflicts with university policies or mascot standards.


Submit a Cody Request 


If you have questions regarding your request or other information regarding Cody, please call (909) 537-5233 or email

Collage of Cody the Coyote at events.