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Fraternity & Sorority Life

Welcome to the Fraternity & Sorority Life Page


CSUSB fraternity and sorority leaders and OSLE staff at the Association of Fraternal Leadership and Values (AFLV) West Conference 2024
CSUSB fraternity and sorority leaders and OSLE staff at the Association of Fraternal Leadership and Values (AFLV) West Conference 2024


Fraternities and Sororities at CSUSB are values-based student organizations founded on the principles of friendship, service, scholarship, and leadership. Students that make the decision to join a fraternity or sorority develop life-long bonds and commitments to their organizations. 

Cal State San Bernardino has a fraternity and sorority life community made up of four governing councils, each council supporting different types of fraternities and sororities. The governing councils are as follows:

  • Interfraternity Council (IFC)
    • Historically all male-identified fraternities.


  • Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)
    • Fraternities and sororities that were funded with an intent to focus on cultural identity. 


  • National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
    • Historically Black fraternities and sororities.


  • Panhellenic Council (PHC)
    • Historically all female-identified fraternities (sororities).

While each council is unique in terms of governance and identities, together they represent a string, diverse community of student leaders and change agents. 

Interfraternity Council (IFC)
Delta Sigma Phi (1899)
Kappa Sigma (1869)
Pi Kappa Alpha (1868)
Sigma Nu (1869)
Sigma Phi Epsilon (1901)


Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)

Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, Inc. (1987)
Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc. (1986)
Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. (1990)
Sigma Pi Alpha Sorority, Inc. (1996)


National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (1908)
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (1913)

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. (1911)

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. (1920)


Panhellenic Council (PHC)

Alpha Delta Pi (1851)
Alpha Phi (1872)
Kappa Delta (1897)
Zeta Tau Alpha (1898)


Fraternity and Sorority life at our university is open to everyone! While some organizations have cultural foundations and traditions, all students are welcome to join, learn, and be part of the community. We celebrate diversity and encourage everyone to find the chapter that feels like home.