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For Students

Who can attend SI?

SI is free and open to all students enrolled in the corresponding content course.  SI sessions are limited to 20 students (25 for Online sessions) to maintain a small group environment.  Seats are filled on a first-come basis.

Who are the SI Leaders?

SI Leaders are fellow students who have previously been successful in the corresponding course or an equivalent course in the subject area. SI Leaders provide study tools, lead group exercises and discussions around challenging concepts, and guide students toward mastery of course content. Click here to Meet the SI Team!

What happens at SI sessions?

SI sessions address both "what" and "how" to learn.  All students in the SI session participate in teaching, learning, and study— not just the SI Leader.  Typically SI students:


SI Sessions

  • Review lecture notes and text material
  • Discuss and apply important concepts
  • Prepare for an upcoming quiz or exam
  • Ask and answer questions
  • Learn effective study and test taking techniques
  • Discover strategies for doing well in the course

SI Session

How do I sign-up for an SI session?

Each SI session has its own Canvas platform (e.g. BIOL 2230 - Supplemental Instruction). Students enrolled in a course aligned with SI support are added to the corresponding SI Canvas and may access information regarding session days/times, relevant links (including the Zoom ID for Online sessions), and other asynchronous resources like study guides or discussion boards. The SI Leader will also be present in the course lecture and can answer any questions students may have regarding how to access SI sessions and materials. Some live sessions do reach capacity. When this occurs, additional interested students will be added to a waiting list. Seats are filled on a first-come basis (up to 20 students per in-person session and 25 per Online session).

Does my course have SI?

Supplemental Instruction is not offered this term.
Political Science
Supplemental Instruction is not offered this term.

How do I become an SI Leader?

SI Leaders are undergraduate (sometimes graduate) students in good standing with a GPA of at least 3.0, have earned an A in the corresponding course and/or in relevant advanced coursework in the subject area, and are recommended or referred by faculty or the academic department. Interested students should send a resume and letter of inquiry to

More questions?

Email or call 909.537.7320 to learn more about SI.