Carmen Beck (education) was on a panel to discuss the intersection of violence and education and its affect on Latino school children, Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) discussed the Inland Empire Center for Entrepreneurship’s 2022 Impact Report, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was quoted in an article about hate crimes against the LGBTQ community.

Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) discussed the Inland Empire Center for Entrepreneurship’s 2022 Impact Report that shows the positive impact IECE has on the regional economy, and Brian Levin (criminal justice), was interviewed about the increase in hate crimes in the city of Houston.

Fernanda Gonzalez Lomeli, Nicole Elmaraghy, Anthony Castro, Claudia V. Osuna Guerrero and Laura L. Newcomb (biology), Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) and Andreas Beyersdorf (chemistry/biochemistry) were included in recent news coverage.

Annika Anderson (sociology) was interviewed for a feature podcast on Project Rebound, Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) discussed the work of the School of Entrepreneurship, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) offered insight on actions by white supremacists in Pennsylvania.

Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) promoted the publication of IECE’s 2021 Impact Report, and Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences) discussed the challenges facing the region’s economy.