Thomas McWeeney (public administration) co-wrote an opinion column on that called for a more comprehensive approach in keeping school sites safe, Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed about the increase in hate crimes in Texas, and Anna Long (entrepreneurship) talked about CSUSB’s two winning teams in the Sunstone CSU Startup Launch Competition.

Henrietta Nwamu (nursing) and Anna Ya Ni (public administration) collaborated on a paper examining online learning for nursing students, Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences) commented on the state of the region’s economy, and Anna Long (entrepreneurship) congratulated CSUSB’s two winning teams in the Sunstone CSU Startup Launch Competition.

CSUSB’s two teams – AxoTech and Solubrin – competed in both of the Product Tracks and took home first place in both tracks, winning $25,000 for each team.