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Forms & Petitions

Academic Advising reviews and acts on the following petition requests for undergraduate students: admission by special action, general education course substitutions, retroactive withdrawals, extension of time to remove "Incomplete" grades beyond one year, leave of absence, academic renewal, drop after census date for undeclared students, and other waivers of university regulations.

Course Repeat Request

This request for a course repeat will need to be completed by you for the following two reasons:

  • You have taken a class 2 times and either failed or received an N/C each time.  You need permission to take it a 3rd time.
  • You have taken the course once, received a “C” or better and want to retake the class for a higher grade.

The Course Repeat Requests are submitted on Student Center in myCoyote. Please review the instructions below:

Course Repeat "How-To" Guide

Please allow 5 - 7 working days for processing.  If you have any questions, please email

GE Course Substitution

Requests for general education course substitution must attach a copy of a course description from an official college catalog. A supporting letter from the Department Chair or a course syllabus is optional.

The GE Course Substitution petition can now be submitted through online.

Please review the GE Course Substitution petition instructions.

Submit GE Course Substitution

Have questions? Please contact Janet Brooks at 

Please allow 5 - 7 working days for processing.

Incomplete Extension

One year must have elapsed since course was originally taken. An incomplete extension less than one year only requires a memo to be sent from the instructor to the Office of the Registrar.

The Extension of Time to Remove an Incomplete petition can now be submitted online.

Please review the Extension of Time petition instructions.

Submit Extension of Time Petition

Have questions? Please e-mail Janet Brooks at 

Leave of Absence for Undergraduates

*If you are a graduate student, please visit the Graduate Studies website
*If you are an incoming student and are not planning to start at CSUSB, please contact the Admissions Office. 

If you will be taking time off from CSUSB, we highly suggest meeting with your academic advisor to discuss your decision and consider other alternatives. 

We encourage you to do following if you plan to take time off or no longer attend CSUSB:

  • Ensure that you drop courses for the current and upcoming term(s).
  • Contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships if you received aid to determine if you need to return any financial aid funds prior to dropping courses.
  • If applicable, pay any remaining balance owed to university.
  • International students should consult with the Center for International Studies before filling out this or a Leave of Absence form. 
  • Meet and consult with an academic advisor to discuss options and appropriate procedures based upon your individual circumstances.
Missing only one semester

If you will only be missing one semester and will return for the following semester, no Leave of Absence form is required. Instead, please make sure to submit a Temporary Leave.

Please note: Temporary Leave does not withdrawal you from courses. You are responsible for dropping courses by the drop deadline.

International Students should file a leave of absence if missing only one semester. See "Missing more than one semester" for further information. 

Missing more than one semester

If you would like to take more than one semester off a Leave of Absence (LOA) is required to remain active at CSUSB. The LOA covers both emergent and planned interruptions or situations. With an approved LOA, you can maintain enrollment eligibility and current degree requirements.

LOA should be submitted before the expected term of absence. The LOA starts with the first semester of absence indicated on the form. Retroactive requests for medical and military LOA may be considered if supported by documented extenuating circumstances. Personal and planned educational leaves cannot be retroactive. The maximum duration for any leave of absence is two calendar years, although exceptions may be granted due to documented extenuating circumstances.

Please review the University Bulletin for the complete Leave of Absence policy. Contact the Office of Academic Advising in University Hall, Room 329 (UH-329) for more information.

The Leave of Absence petition can now be submitted through your MyCoyote Student Center. Please review the instructions below. 

Leave of Absence "How-To" Guide

How to Request an Extension

Please allow 5 - 7 working days for processing. If you have any questions, please contact Janet Brooks at

Contact the Office of the Registrar if you plan to return earlier than your approved Leave of Absence.

No longer planning to attend CSUSB

Have you decided to no longer attend CSUSB? We highly suggest meeting with your academic advisor to discuss your decision and consider other alternatives. 

If you will no longer attend CSUSB, please make sure to submit a Temporary Leave.

Please note: Temporary Leave does not withdrawal you from courses. You are responsible for dropping courses by the drop deadline.

Request Permission to Refile a Grad Check

To submit your request to refile your grad check, please email the following information:

  • Email Subject: Refile Grad Check
  • Preferred Name
  • Coyote ID Number
  • Major
  • Expected Grad Term & Year
  • Reason for Refiling Grad Check

Graduate Students, please review Graduation Requirement Check under Postbaccalaureate Students for instructions.

Petition for a Retroactive Add

This form must be completed when a student needs to add a class to a past term.  

Retroactive Add Form

Once the student portion of the form is completed it should be emailed to for processing and final review.

Dropping or withdrawing from courses is an online process. 

Have questions? Please e-mail Janet Brooks at or call (909) 537-3046. 

Drop/Withdraw From Current Term

 **If you are a Financial Aid recipient and if approved, funds may have to be returned for the term(s) in question. Consult with the Financial Aid Office prior to processing this petition.

Drop Before Census 

Approval is not necessary to drop a class before the census date (within the first 4 weeks of the semester). Students are able to drop the classes in myCoyote, for assistance please see the How to Drop Before Census guide. 

 How to Drop Before Census


Drop After Census 

A student may petition to drop courses from their schedule for compelling reasons during weeks 5-12 of the semester.

A petition to Drop After Census requires approvals from the course instructor, the department chair of the course, and the Dean from the college of the student's major. The petition will be routed to each individual for approval after the form is submitted. Supporting documentation is required (PDF format) and must illustrate that circumstances were out of the student's control. Courses dropped after the census deadline will be assigned a grade of "W". 

How to Drop After Census

Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances 

A student may petition to withdraw from courses for serious and compelling reasons during weeks 5-12 of the semester. Extenuating circumstances must be shown to have prevented withdrawal in a more timely fashion. Supporting documentation is required (PDF format). If approved, courses will be withdrawn and will be noted with a “W” on the transcript. Such withdrawals will not count against the 28 unit maximum that students are allowed to withdraw.

Acceptable reasons to withdraw:

1. Due to documented medical injury or illness.

2. Due to documented psychological reasons.

3. Due to emergency military obligation reasons.

4. Death of an immediate family member during the term in question

5. Documented university personnel miscommunication or error.

Unacceptable reasons to withdraw:

1. Poor performance

2. Poor attendance 

3. Employment related

4. Lack of awareness of withdrawal procedures

Requirements to withdraw from ALL courses:

1. Have the student’s name as the primary subject. This includes situations in which the student became a primary caregiver to a family member during the term in question. A letter from a physician or nurse indicating the student’s role is acceptable.

2. Be an original document, not photocopied. There may be exceptions such as police reports, death certificates, or released medical records. Faxed documentation may be acceptable in situations where documentation source is out-of-state or country. Documentation which appears to have been forged or altered will result in university student disciplinary action.

3. Be written on official letterhead stationary, with an office logo, an address, phone number and contact person. In cases involving university personnel miscommunication or error, an Email from the department is acceptable. In cases involving the death of an immediate family member (parent, grandparent, sibling, guardian, or child) a funeral program or a public obituary notice is acceptable.

4. The date or time period related to the reason for the retroactive withdrawal must be within the term in question and must be stated in the documentation.

5. Signed by the professional providing the support. Acceptable professionals include physicians, psychologists, CSUSB Counseling Center Staff, social work or rehab personnel, EOP or SAIL counselor, pastor, priest, rabbi, clergy official or lawyer.

                                   If one or more of the above requirements are not completed satisfactorily, the petition will be denied

Additional Requirement to withdraw from partial courses:

In order to withdraw from partial courses in a term rather than all courses, the 5 requirements above must be met. An explanation as to why a partial withdrawal is requested even though the documentation supports a complete withdrawal for the term must also be included. If one or more of the above requirements are not completed satisfactorily, the petition will be denied

Withdraw for Extenuating Circumstances during weeks 5-12 of the semester:

1. Download the Extenuating Withdrawal Petition below

2. Email the completed form and supporting documentation to from your campus email.

Extenuating Withdrawal Petition         

Withdraw for Extenuating Circumstances after week 12 of the semester:

A student may request to withdraw for extenuating circumstances after week 12 of the semester— the final 20% of instruction. Supporting documentation is required (PDF format).

Extenuating Withdrawal Guide


Withdraw From a Prior Term

Retroactive Withdrawal

Retroactive Term Withdrawals shall be permitted for serious and compelling reasons, where the cause of withdrawal was due to circumstances clearly beyond the student's control and an Incomplete grade could not be assigned. Extenuating circumstances must be shown to have prevented withdrawal in a more timely fashion. Supporting documentation is required (PDF format). If approved, courses will be withdrawn and will be noted with a “W” on the transcript. Such withdrawals will not count against the 28 unit maximum that students are allowed to withdraw.

Acceptable reasons to withdraw:

1. Due to documented medical injury or illness.

2. Due to documented psychological reasons.

3. Due to emergency military obligation reasons.

4. Death of an immediate family member during the term in question

5. Documented university personnel miscommunication or error.

Unacceptable reasons to withdraw:

1. Poor performance

2. Poor attendance 

3. Employment related

4. Lack of awareness of withdrawal procedures

Requirements to withdraw from ALL courses:

1. Have the student’s name as the primary subject. This includes situations in which the student became a primary caregiver to a family member during the term in question. A letter from a physician or nurse indicating the student’s role is acceptable.

2. Be an original document, not photocopied. There may be exceptions such as police reports, death certificates, or released medical records. Faxed documentation may be acceptable in situations where documentation source is out-of-state or country. Documentation which appears to have been forged or altered will result in university student disciplinary action.

3. Be written on official letterhead stationary, with an office logo, an address, phone number and contact person. In cases involving university personnel miscommunication or error, an Email from the department is acceptable. In cases involving the death of an immediate family member (parent, grandparent, sibling, guardian, or child) a funeral program or a public obituary notice is acceptable.

4. The date or time period related to the reason for the retroactive withdrawal must be within the term in question and must be stated in the documentation.

5. Signed by the professional providing the support. Acceptable professionals include physicians, psychologists, CSUSB Counseling Center Staff, social work or rehab personnel, EOP or SAIL counselor, pastor, priest, rabbi, clergy official or lawyer.

                                  If one or more of the above requirements are not completed satisfactorily, the petition will be denied

Additional Requirement to withdraw from partial courses:

In order to withdraw from partial courses in a term rather than all courses, the 5 requirements above must be met. An explanation as to why a partial withdrawal is requested even though the documentation supports a complete withdrawal for the term must also be included. If one or more of the above requirements are not completed satisfactorily, the petition will be denied

                                                           Limit on how many terms a student can retroactively withdraw: 2 terms.

Retroactive Withdrawal