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Community Engaged Learning Tool

Community-Engaged Course Designations

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The CSU Chancellor’s Office new Initiative - Community Engaged Learning Tool (CELT) â€“ allows faculty to designate their community-engaged courses with the appropriate course attribute. The Community Service Learning (CSLI) and Curricular Community Engaged Learning (CCEL) course attributes help the CSU identify and recognize High Impact Practices (HIPs) happening across the University system. 


The American Association of Colleges and Universities (AACU) has classified community-engaged learning and service learning as High-impact educational practices (HIPs) as they have been proven to be significantly beneficial for students of all backgrounds.

Both of these approaches to teaching give students direct experience with issues they are studying in the curriculum and with ongoing efforts to analyze and solve problems in the community. A key element in these programs is the opportunity students have to both apply what they are learning in real-world settings and reflect in a classroom setting on their service experiences.


Please read the sections below to learn how to obtain a community engagement course attribute.

Step 1 | Information to Consider When Applying for Community Engagement Course Designations

Prior to applying for community engagement course designations, faculty are encouraged to review the Definitions for Curricular Community Engaged Learning (CCEL) and Community Service Learning (CSLI):

  • Curricular community-engaged learning is a course-based community service experience characterized by reciprocal partnerships that enhance student understanding, the outcomes of which benefit the common good. 


  • Service Learning is a teaching method in which meaningful service is a critical component of course curriculum and assessment of student learning. It is characterized by critical reflection and a collaborative partnership among the instructor, students, and community, with a focus on both student learning and community impact. 

Step 2 | Applying for a Community Engagement Course Designation

Submit a course application in less than 15 minutes. 

  • Complete the Community Engaged Learning Taxonomy (CELT) Survey. Please attach the course syllabus and other information about your course that supports the community engagement component. The CSU CELT will identify where your course falls in the spectrum of community-engaged courses and assign an attribute.

Additional Information

  • Course designations can be valid for up to 3 years, if indicated on the CELT survey.
  • Individual consultations may be scheduled to discuss designated course attribute, community partner possibilities, project ideas, syllabus design, or other questions/concerns. Please contact Brian Heisterkamp at to schedule a meeting.
  • Need to make a correction? You may contact OCEL to amend your CEL attribute.
  • CSU-CEL questions? Visit the CSU-CEL Attribute Initiative - FAQ Faculty Guide.