Professional Development

Our office actively shares professional development opportunities that enhance faculty’s service learning or community engaged research efforts. We share resources to publish faculty’s community engaged scholarship; webinars, conferences, and workshops that promote excellence in teaching; and resources to document community-engaged research, scholarly, and/or creative activities. Faculty are welcome to access any of the resources; for convenience, we have curated a list to help faculty in any stage of their career!
Adjuncts & Lecturers
The Office of Community Engaged Learning offers resources available for check out! Browse our catalog which includes readings about service learning, community-based research, community development, and teaching/writing methods.
Community-Engaged Learning and Teaching Knowledge Hub
This resource area provides information on how to effectively facilitate curricular community-engaged learning (service learning) experiences that are beneficial to students and the community.
High Impact Practices: An Educator's Guide
NASH's new free online resource, High Impact Practices: An Educator's Guide, provides over 35 interviews and case stories sharing lessons on implementing and scaling equitable HIPs. The modules help provide a scaffold for thinking about HIPs in the larger context of student success efforts and provide issues to consider for more successful implementation. The 11 modules are: Why HIPs Matter; Readiness Assessment; System Vision & Leadership; Goal Setting & Communication; Teaching & Learning; Transparency & Quality Learning; Pedagogy & Equity; Assess & Analyze; Equitable Assessment & Action; Implement & Scale; HIPs Spotlights. Access the modules here!
Engaging Online: Promising Practices in E-Service Learning and Digital Civic Engagement
High Impact Community-Engaged Learning Practices and Processes
Tenure-track Faculty
Toolkit for Service-Learning in Higher Education
This is an ideal starting place for faculty interested in developing or improving their service-learning or community-based learning course experience. The topics covered include Understanding Service-Learning; Establishing Community-Campus Partnerships for Service-Learning; Establishing and Assessing Course Objectives, Learner Outcomes, and Competencies; Planning Course Instruction and Activities; Selecting Texts and Other Learning Resources; Designing Course Evaluation and Improvement Plans; Building Course Infrastructure; Sustaining a Service-Learning Course; Practicing Culturally Competent Service-Learning; Pursuing Opportunities for Service-Learning Scholarship.
Documenting Faculty Community Engagement Efforts
Learn effective ways to connect community engagement activities to your area of scholarly expertise, your teaching philosophy, your understanding of diversity and/or other values attached to research/scholarship/teaching. Dr. Cherstin Lyon also shares tips and best practices to support community engagement and overcome barriers.
National Service-Learning Syllabi Database
A database of service-learning syllabi from a variety of disciplines. The database was compiled by Campus Compact. The database is searchable by discipline, and faculty are encouraged to submit syllabi for inclusion in the database.
IARSLCE Getting Service Learning and Community-Engaged Scholarship Published
CSUSB Community-Based Research: Engage to Make Change
Mid- to Late-Career Faculty
This is a list of the primary peer-reviewed journals that publish articles on Community-Engaged Scholarship. A description of the focus of each journal is provided below each journal’s title along with the link to each journal’s website.
Committing to Community Engagement - The Engaged Department Initiative
This report shares the common lessons learned among these units for supporting the planning and implementation of an engaging curriculum as part of a movement toward overall departmental engagement. It then presents concrete tools and strategies gleaned from this initiative that can be adapted and used by any department seeking to strategically integrate engagement into its curriculum.
Conferences, Workshops and Events
Mobilizing Change through Engaged Scholarship
October 4-5, 2023 | East Lansing, Michigan
28th CUMU Annual Conference: Resilient Campuses. Resilient Cities
October 15–18, 2023 | Washington, DC