NOTE: Faculty, if you are interviewed and quoted by news media, or if your work has been cited, and you have an online link to the article or video, please let us know. Contact us at news@csusb.edu.
CSUSB professor chairs advisory council for Ethiopia Diaspora Trust Fund Addis FortuneAug. 14, 2018 Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) has formed an advisory council for the newly established Diaspora Trust Fund, a fund to be dedicated for development and social projects in Ethiopia. Chaired by Alemayehu G. Mariam (PhD), professor of political science at California State University, San Bernardino and and an attorney, the council has 15 members composed of scholars, business executives, human right activists and heads of international organisations. Read the complete article at “Advisory council for diaspora fund goes live.”
CSUSB’s Alemayehu G. Mariam to chair advisory council established by Ethiopia’s prime ministerEthiopian News AgencyAug. 9, 2018 Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has established a Diaspora Trust Fund Advisory Council and its members, Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister Fitsum Arega told ENA. Included on the council is Alemayehu G. Mariam, professor of political science at Cal State San Bernardino, who will serve as its chairman. The Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund is among the initiatives of the government to directly involve Ethiopians in the Diaspora in the development of the country. Read the complete article at “Diaspora trust fund advisory council established.”
Brian Levin: ‘Don't dance on the alt-right's grave just yet: Unite the Right 2 was a flop, but the ideas are mainstreaming’New York Daily NewsAug. 14, 2018 In an op-ed piece, Brian Levin, professor of criminal justice and director of Cal State San Bernardino’s Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, wrote: “The understandable shadenfreude of many tolerant people over Sunday’s sparsely attended rain-drenched alt-right freak show in Washington may be a bit premature. While the alt-right leadership has been in freefall after the movement’s racist and violent underbelly was grotesquely exposed to the world last year in Charlottesville, the promotion of white nationalism by other non-torch wielders is doing just fine.” Read the complete article at “Don't dance on the alt-right's grave just yet: Unite the Right 2 was a flop, but the ideas are mainstreaming.”
Columnist, in analysis of recent primary elections. cites work of CSUSB political science professorBloombergAug. 15, 2018 In a review of recent primary elections throughout the country, Bloomberg columnist Jonathan Bernstein cited an article co-authored by Meredith Conroy, CSUSB assistant professor of political science, that was published by FiveThirtyEight. Bernstein wrote: “For their part, Democrats rarely go against the mainstream of the party network, as Meredith Conroy, Nathaniel Rakich and Mai Nguyen explain over at FiveThirtyEight — see also work by Casey Dominguez and Hans Hassell. But as Conroy, Rakich and Nguyen correctly point out, that doesn’t mean that Democrats are nominating moderates; it just means that the party as a whole is pretty liberal these days. What they do seem capable of doing, however, is selecting candidates who at least so far appear to be good fits for their districts.” Read the complete article at “Republicans’ nomination woes keep on coming.” FiveThirtyEight has also posted a podcast featuring Conroy as she and the FiveThirtyEight Politics podcast crew discussed the topic. Listen to it at “Politics Podcast: What kinds of candidates are Democrats nominating?”
These news clips and others may be found at “In the Headlines” at inside.csusb.edu.