Joe Gutierrez Office of Strategic Communication (909) 537-5007

History in the Making: A Journal of History, the Cal State San Bernardino history department’s award-winning journal that showcases the work of its students, has another honor to add: 2019 Gerald D. Nash History Journal First Prize, awarded by the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society.
The award for the 12th volume of the journal comes a year after it won third prize in the honor society’s graduate print journal national competition – the first time the publication was entered in that category.
'This national prize is fitting recognition of the outstanding young scholarship being produced within CSUSB’s History Department,' said Eric Lowe, who co-edited the journal with Jasmine Colorado. 'This group’s dedication to academic excellence in the field of history is evident on every page, and this Phi Alpha Theta award is indicative of that.'
History in the Making is an annual publication of the university’s Alpha Delta Nu Chapter of the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society, and is sponsored by the CSUSB Department of History. It is published at the end of the spring quarter each academic year, and has earned the reputation of being among the top journals of its kind in the nation.
“Winning first prize in the graduate/undergraduate category of the national Phi Alpha Theta journal competition is an astounding achievement for the student editors and authors of this issue,” said Jeremy Murray, associate professor of history and one of the journal’s faculty advisers along with Tiffany Jones, professor and department chair.
“The work of 30 dedicated and excellent students went into volume 12, and their professionalism, collegiality, and academic brilliance is on all of the pages of this 410-page journal!” Murray said. “It's worth noting that only three of the 30 students were actually graduate students, and so it is truly outstanding that they still took the prize in the graduate/undergraduate category of the Gerald D. Nash competition.”
Prior to the latest recognition and the 2018 third prize, the journal had been awarded five Gerald D. Nash History Journal Awards in the undergraduate competition (third place in 2009 and 2013, second place in 2012 and 2015, and first place in 2014).
And this award comes not long after the CSUSB History Club/Alpha Delta Nu Chapter was named the best chapter in the nation by the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society – for the fifth time in six years, and for the fourth consecutive year.
The 12th volume of History in the Making was the largest edition to date, wrote its editors, Lowe and Colorado, in its introduction. The journal featured “eight full-length articles which analyze a number of topics including US imperialism, indigenous movements in the Americas, and the early-Hollywood origins of the #MeToo movement,” the editors wrote in the journal’s introduction. “In addition to these articles, this volume also features a contemporary history piece, a report on student travel, three in memoriam selections, four reviews, and two articles in our Notes from the Archive section.”
Members of the 2019 journal editorial board, all of whom are members of Phi Alpha Theta, are Randy Stuart, Melissa Sanford, Byron Williams, Benjamin Shulz, Federico Guevarra, Jasmine Portillo, Sephora Navarro, Natasska Martin, April Terwelp, with Colorado and Lowe.
The online version of the latest volume is available at the History in the Making webpage, along with past volumes.
For print copies, email Jeremy Murray at
The 2019 'History in the Making' editorial board: back row, Randy Stuart, Melissa Sanford, Byron Williams, Benjamin Shulz, Federico Guevarra, Eric Lowe; front row, Jasmine Colorado, Jasmine Portillo, Sephora Navarro, Natassja Martin, April Terwelp.