Pedro Beltran, who received his master’s in special education from the Palm Desert Campus, has been named Teacher of the Year at James Earl Carter Elementary School in Palm Desert.
Enrique Murillo (education, LEAD), Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences, Institute of Applied Research and Policy Analysis) and Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) were included in news coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Eleven CSUSB students represented the university and brought home two trophies during the 34th annual CSU Student Research Competition, which was held virtually April 24.
The CSUSB Palm Desert Campus provides its students the tools they need for professional success.
Brian Levin (criminal justice), members Monty Van Wart (professor of public administration), Craig Seal (management), Oraib Mango and Bibiana Diaz (world languages and literatures), Sharon Kalkoske (education), and Mihaela Popescu (communication studies) were included in recent news coverage.
ITS Tech Talks is an opportunity for faculty and staff to share and exchange ideas, explore emerging technologies, and experience hands-on demonstrations of various learning technologies offered by the university.
Vincent Nestler (cybersecurity), Mike Chao and Bree Putman (biology), Kaitlyn Creasy (philosophy), Larry Hygh (communication studies) and Mildred D. Henry (education, emerita) were included in recent news coverage.
The NACADA Journal, the leading referred journal in the field of academic advising, will publish an article co-written by Edna Martinez, an associate professor and co-director of the CSUSB Doctorate in Educational Leadership Program.
The LEAD Summit XI and its related events have been postponed to September and will become part of the CSUSB Hispanic Heritage Month series of events.