The funding will launch four new allied health graduate degrees and support Hispanic and underserved students pursuing postbaccalaureate degrees in healthcare.

Kelly Campbell, vice provost of academic programs at Cal State San Bernardino, will participate as a panelist at two women in leadership conferences.

Kelly Campbell, (psychology, vice provost for Academic Programs) was interviewed about the amorous interactions of athletes competing at the Olympics, Christina Hassija (psychology, dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences) co-authored a paper on trauma and survivors of sexual assault, and Meredith Conroy (political science) joined the 538 liveblog during the June 11 primary elections.

The annual Womxn’s History Month celebration at Cal State San Bernardino will feature a variety of events that highlight the achievements and contributions of women, which started with an opening ceremony on March 4. This year, the events will focus on the theme, “Sisterhood & Solidarity.”

Marc A. Robinson, (history) will discuss his latest book, “Washington State Rising,” at an event at Gonzaga University, Jamie O’Quinn (sociology) led a team that recently published an article on remote interviews and feminist methods, and Kelly Campbell (currently interim vice provost for academic affairs) and Cari Goetz (psychology) were part of a team that wrote a paper on mate preference and attraction.

The Alaska Peace Center will host Ahlam Muhtaseb (communication studies) at a Jan. 26 screening of “1948: Creation and Catastrophe,” a documentary that she co-produced, and Kelly Campbell (psychology) was quoted in an article about why people cheat in relationships.

Jie Yu (nursing) commented on the CSUSB nursing department’s national ranking, and Kelly Campbell (psychology) was quoted in an article about the personal finance website, WalletHub, listing Texas among the most-stressed states.

The space was redesigned after it was heavily damaged by flooding brought by remnants of Tropical Storm Kay in September 2022. The program begins at noon, Wednesday, Sept. 20.

Dany Doueiri (world languages and literatures) will be a guest speaker at a University of Toledo’s National Arab American Heritage Month event, Kelly Campbell (psychology) discussed how parents can reduce stress in their children in times of financial challenges, research on antisemitic hate crimes by Brian Levin (criminal justice) was cited in an article, and Jacob D. Jones (psychology) was part of a team that published a study on individuals with Parkinson’s disease.