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A photo of a protest against police brutality.
September 2, 2021

“Police Brutality, or Business as Usual?” kicks off the series for 2021-22 that focuses on race and policing that engages academics, activists, law enforcement officers, educators, artists, and others in a dialogue seeking solutions to a complex problem. The program is at 1 p.m. Tuesday on Zoom.

Faculty in the News
August 5, 2021

Brian Levin (criminal justice) testified before a U.S. Senate committee and also discussed the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot; Tony Coulson (information and decision sciences) was interviewed about preparing students for careers in cybersecurity; Eric Vogelsang (sociology) discussed a project aimed at helping people age healthier; Breanna Putman (biology) co-authored a study on how lizards making themselves attractive to potential mates also risk being preyed upon; David Yaghoubian (history) added his perspective on recent news in Iran involving its supreme leader; and Anthony Silard (public administration), wrote on achieving a healthy balance in relationships.

Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Scholars
July 29, 2021

Four CSUSB students are among the 76 CSU students who have been named the 2021-22 Sally Casanova California Pre-Doctoral Scholars.

Faculty in the News
July 19, 2021

Paloma E. Villegas (sociology), Megan Carol (sociology), Bronson Lim (mathematics), Vipin Gupta (management), Connie McReynolds (education) and Brian Levin (criminal justice) recently shared their expertise in various news media outlets.

James Fenelon
June 10, 2021

Fenelon is the newest scholar on the list of Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility visiting professors who are “outstanding social scientists, political leaders, and social activists whose careers demonstrate sustained engagement with major issues of social justice, civil liberties, human rights, and democracy.”

Emily Carian
June 1, 2021

Emily Carian, assistant professor of sociology, gave a keynote at the Institute of Research on Male Supremacism (IRMS) Conference for Research on Male Supremacism and Right-Wing Studies on May 14.

Faculty in the News
May 28, 2021

Kim Cousins (professor of chemistry and biochemistry) shared career advice for new graduates, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was a panelist at CSUSBs Conversations on Race and Policing and a news media resource for articles on anti-Asian hate crimes.

Faculty in the News
May 26, 2021

Annika Anderson (sociology) was interviewed about Project Rebound, Daniel MacDonald (economics) was the keynote speaker at a Building Wealth Initiative webinar, Anthony Silard (public administration) wrote about reconnecting in a post-pandemic society, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) discussed the recently passed COVID Hate Crimes Act.

May 24, 2021

“A Year After the Murder of George Floyd,” featuring professors Shea Streeter of the University of Michigan and Brian Levin of Cal State San Bernardino, is the topic of the next Conversations on Race and Policing, 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 26, on Zoom.