Leonard Transportation Center faculty Kimberly Collins, Yunfei Hou and Raffi Der Wartanian, with graduate students Sai Kalyan Ayyagari and Bhavik Pankaj Khatri, published a study for the journal Data in Brief; Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) discussed the opening of the Palm Desert Entrepreneur Resource Center; and Michael Karp (history) coordinated the 20th annual Academic WorldQuest competition.

The event, which took place at the CSUSB Palm Desert Campus, was facilitated and coordinated by Michael Karp, an assistant professor of history at the Palm Desert Campus and member of the board of directors of the World Affairs Council of the Desert.

Palm Desert High School took first place at the event, which was facilitated and coordinated by Michael Karp, assistant professor of history at the CSUSB Palm Desert Campus.

Stuart Sumida (biology), Brian Levin (criminal justice), Michael Stull (entrepreneurship) and Michael Karp (history) were included in recent news coverage, and research by Leslie R. Amodeo was published.

Palm Desert High School took first place at the event at the CSUSB Palm Desert Campus. It was facilitated and coordinated by Michael Karp, assistant professor of history at the Palm Desert Campus and member of the Board of Directors of the World Affairs Council of the Desert.

Michael Karp (history) is the coordinator of the annual Academic WorldQuest competition at the Palm Desert Campus, and Riguad Joseph (social work) co-wrote a paper that “explored whether license-holding mental health professionals exhibit comfort/discomfort in addressing religion and spirituality (RS) in practice.”

Brian Levin (criminal justice) was part of a panel of experts interviewed about the increase in hate incidents targeting Asian Americans, and Michael Karp (history) coordinated and hosted the 16th annual Academic WorldQuest competition held virtually on March 4.

The competition is usually hosted by Cal State San Bernardino’s Palm Desert Campus in the Indian Wells Theater, but arrangements were made to hold WorldQuest virtually this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Palm Desert High School won its fourth consecutive Academic WorldQuest competition, which took place at the CSUSB Palm Desert Campus. The winners advance to the national competition in Washington, D.C., in April.