Meredith Conroy (political science), Brian Levin (criminal justice) and Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) were included in recent news coverage in their areas of expertise.

David Yaghoubian (history), Brian Levin (criminal justice) and Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) were included in recent news coverage.

Guy Hepp (anthropology), Terri Nelson (world languages and literatures), Brian Levin (criminal justice) and Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) were mentioned in recent news coverage on various topics.

Matthew Des Lauriers (anthropology), Brian Levin (criminal justice), David Yaghoubian (history), Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) and Enrique Murillo Jr. (education) were included in recent news coverage.

News coverage on a range of topics showcases the expertise of Meredith Conroy (political science), Brian Levin (criminal justice) and Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus).

Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) wrote a column on Ethiopia’s constitution and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed about members of extremist groups mixing in with crowds at protests against COVID-19 public health restrictions

Enrique Murillo (education, LEAD), Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences, Institute of Applied Research and Policy Analysis) and Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) were included in news coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tony Coulson (director, CSUSB Cybersecurity Center) discussed developing the cybersecurity workforce, David Yaghoubian (history) was interviewed about the latest development in U.S.-Iranian relations, and Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus) wrote about the Ethiopian Parliament’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Meredith Conroy (political science), Alemayehu G. Mariam (political science, emeritus), Brian Levin (criminal justice) and David Yaghoubian (history) were included in news coverage on various topics.