Alan Llavore | Office of Strategic Communication | (909) 537-5007 |

Erika Tejeda, the Association of California School Administrators’ Principal of the Year (high school) and CSUSB alumna, will be the keynote speaker at the James R. Watson & Judy Rodriguez Watson College of Education’s Third Annual Doctoral Homecoming Alumni Reception and Mixer, set for noon-3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 28.
Tejeda is currently the principal of Liberty High School in Perris. In addition to her Ed.D. in educational leadership that she completed in 2022, Tejeda also earned her bachelor’s degree in Spanish in 2001 and master’s degree in educational administration in 2013 from CSUSB.
The reception, which is part of Homecoming Week at Cal State San Bernardino, will take place at the Santos Manuel Student Union North, Conference Center B.
The event is an opportunity for graduates and current cohorts of the university’s Doctorate in Educational Leadership to connect and reconnect with each other and with the CSUSB community.
Register to attend at the 3rd Annual Doctoral Homecoming Reception and Mixer Eventbrite page.