The university was ranked by Best Accredited Colleges among four-year programs designed to teach students a broad set of skills and knowledge in the information technology field.

U.S. News & World Report listed CSUSB’s online master’s degree criminal justice and MBA programs among the best in the nation in its 2022 rankings.

Claire Todd (geological sciences) discussed her research on glaciers and climate change, Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) talked about the latest national ranking for the graduate program in entrepreneurship, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) participated in a panel discussion on the Jussie Smollett trial.

CSUSB’s innovative graduate program in entrepreneurship has been named among the best in the West and the nation in 2022 by The Princeton Review.

The online MBA program at CSUSB ranked in the top five in California, the top 10 in the West, and the top 50 among public colleges and universities in the nation, according to Online MBA Report.

CSUSB, listed in the top 50, was specifically recognized as the “Best State University System,” according to Intelligent.com.

Intelligent.com has recognized CSUSB as having one of the top 50 Best MSW Degree Programs in the nation for 2021. CSUSB, listed at No. 5, was specifically recognized for having the “Most Flexible Program.”

CSUSB was listed in Tier One in the magazine’s North American MBA rankings and was No. 47 out of the top 89 in online MBA programs in the world.

The Princeton Review has named as one of the West’s Best Business Schools for 2021 CSUSB’s Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration. The review also listed the college as one of its Top 50 Online MBA programs.