Washington Monthly has listed CSUSB at No. 12 in the West in the Best Bang for the Buck category and No. 29 in its National University Rankings.

The Princeton Review chooses universities it considers academically outstanding and well worth consideration in people’s college search.

EDsmart assessed colleges and universities based on data that covers four main areas: cost, academic quality, student satisfaction and salary after attending.

Cal State San Bernardino has once again been named a Military Friendly® School and a Military Spouse Friendly® School for 2023-24 under the large public university category.

Cal State San Bernardino is one of three CSUs that are listed in the top 5 of Education Reform Now’s Social Mobility Elevator rankings.

Stuart Sumida (biology) discussed the consulting role he and his wife, Elizabeth Rega, had in Disney’s newest feature film, “Strange World,” Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) commented on the School of Entrepreneurship’s latest ranking, and Jacob. D. Jones (psychology) led a team that published a paper on cognitive impairment among people with Parkinson’s Disease.

The Princeton Review rankings incorporate student opinion, as well as institutional data, and cover many different categories to help prospective applicants find the right programs to fit their needs.

Cal State San Bernardino is the only California State University campus recognized in the rankings, and one of only five universities in California to make the list.

The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education magazine ranking looks at institutions that not only enroll the highest number of Hispanic/Latino students, but also the proportion of these students on a campus.