Francisca Beer (accounting and finance), Stuart Sumida (biology), Vipin Gupta and Karen Castillo (management) and David Ready (public administration, adjunct) were quoted by reporters in recent news coverage.
The Peace Garden, built in front of the Chemical Sciences building in honor of the 14 lives lost on Dec. 2, 2015, was the site of the university’s annual Day of Remembrance. Five of the 14 were CSUSB alumni.
Stuart Sumida (biology) was a guest on a podcast about all things Star Wars to chat about the megafauna of Disney series “The Mandalorian.”
Dr. Tae-Wook Chun, BS, biology, ’92, is being recognized for his notable contributions in the fields of biopharmaceuticals and immunovirology, and his unwavering dedication to scientific research aimed at enhancing the well-being of individuals and families affected by the HIV infection.
Three university-wide awards – Distinguished Alumni, Emerging Leader and Coyote Spirit – will be presented, as well as the Paw Print Awards, which honor esteemed alumni from each of the university’s five colleges.
Bree Putman, CSUSB assistant professor of biology, is co-author of the study, which is the first time “social buffering” has been documented in reptiles.
Stuart Sumida (biology) was interviewed about his work in paleontology and animation, and Brian Levin (Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism) was quoted in an article about the increase in hate crimes in Texas.
Graduate nursing student Alura Williams and undergraduate biology student Manuel Madrigal are this year’s College of Natural Sciences’ Outstanding Students.
Jacob Lacy will graduate in May with a bachelor’s degree in physics and plans on attending the University of Vermont biomedical engineering Ph.D. program to ultimately become a professor in the field and a researcher in ulcerative colitis.