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Daniel Nickerson, a biology professor and principal investigator for the COMPASS grant who will direct the new program.
November 17, 2022

CSUSB will now offer a second stem cell-focused student training program thanks to $2.9 million in grant funding from the CIRM Creating Opportunities through Mentorship and Partnership Across Stem Cell Science (COMPASS) program.

Chemical Science Building, Faculty in the News
November 14, 2022

Lúa López (biology) discussed her DNA research, Rigaud Joseph (social work) shared advice on considering online Master of Social Work programs, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed for an article on anti-Semitic comments by Kanye West.

Biology assistant professor Lúa López
November 10, 2022

The NSF grant will help López move forward with research in the field of ancient genomics, the study of the genetics of historical or extinct species such as the thale cress.

Stem cell illustration from the event flier.
October 28, 2022

The Inland Empire Stem Cell Consortium continues its efforts in uniting stem cell biology students and professionals with its return to CSUSB.

CNS, Faculty in the News
September 15, 2022

Heidy Contreras (biology) was featured in an article about researchers who go beyond traditional mammal models in their study of the animal kingdom, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was quoted in an article about the threat of white supremacists.

From left, Anthony Castro and Breanna Ramirez
September 9, 2022

The Richard Fehn Memorial Scholarship was created to help meet the cost of education for CSUSB biology students who have demonstrated a commitment to biological research and to pay tribute to Fehn and his work.

Chemical Science bldg, Faculty in the News
August 29, 2022

Stuart Sumida (biology) discussed how dragons could have evolved if they were real, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed for a segment about extremists running for public offices in local elections, such as school boards.

Chemical Science bldg, Faculty in the News
August 16, 2022

Breanna Putman (biology) co-authored a paper focused on how climate change may affect lizards, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) was interviewed on topics related to hate crimes and extremism.

Center for Global Innovation, Faculty in the News
July 18, 2022

Recent news media coverage highlighted the expertise of Vincent Nestler (information and decision sciences), Stuart Sumida (biology), Montgomery Van Wart (public administration), Katherine Gray (art) and Brian Levin (criminal justice).