What is "Not Anymore?"
“Not Anymore,” created by Student Success™, is a video-based sexual violence prevention program.
It is being offered to CSUSB students as ONE of the options to fulfill the mandatory Training to End Sexual Violence, as required by state and federal mandates and CSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation (Nondiscrimination Policy) Revised 1-22-2023, once per Academic Year, during FALL term. Failure to complete the Training by the deadline will result in a Registration Hold for the following term, or subsequent terms, until it's completed.
The "Not Anymore" program titles will vary each year, so look for the current academic year.
For additional questions, check our FAQs.
Watch our YouTube video below on HOW TO take the online training.
Step-by-step instructions:
- Login to your myCoyote account.
- If available, click the large tile, "Training to End Sexual Violence" or navigate to “My Tasks” and then to “Training to End Sexual Violence.”
- You will be re-directed to Student Success for the Not Anymore program. Create an account using your Coyote ID and password.
- Look under the section, "Incomplete Assignments", and look for the current academic year, as part of the title. Each year’s program title may change, such as “Every Choice,” so the academic year serves as a clear guide.
- Follow the directions within the program.
- You may complete the program in one sitting or more; pick up where you left off by re-entering each time, using the same link.
- Upon completion of the program, navigate to the HOME page to obtain a Certificate of Completion, for your records.
- Your completion information is given daily to CSUSB by an automated process.
- After you’ve completed the training, you will not receive any more reminders and it will drop off your To Do List, when the system refreshes overnight.
- If you do get reminders, please contact our office at iec@csusb.edu.
- If you have a registration hold, upon completion, holds are NOT released immediately, but only through an automated process within 24 hours--no requests for manual release granted; be sure to allow enough time prior to registering for classes. More details on FAQs.