Third Party Billing/Sponsored Billing
When a student's tuition and fees are billed directly to an outside agency or organization, the process is termed "Third Party Billing". The University agrees to bill the agency or organization directly on behalf of the student. The University must receive written authorization from the sponsoring agency or organization before the third party billing can be processed. Our goal is to make fee payment for sponsored students as hassle-free as possible.
There are no standard contracts. Some companies will write a letter on official letterhead stating what they are willing to pay. Others have a special form. Regardless of the format, all contracts and letters MUST include the following information in order to be processed:
- Student's name
- Student's social security number
- Specific charges the company is willing to pay
- Specific semester covered by the contract
- Name and signature of officer authorizing the contract
- Name and number of the contact person
Example of Third Party Billing Sponsors
- Employers
- City, County, State or Federal Government Agencies
- Military Agencies
- Foreign Embassy's sponsoring International Students
Authorizations for payment may be emailed, mailed, faxed or delivered to the Third Party Billing Coordinator no later than 30 days prior to the fee due date for each term:
California State University, San Bernardino
ATTN: Student Financial Services – Sponsored Billing
5500 University Parkway UH-034
San Bernardino, CA 92407
Phone: 909.537.5162
Fax: 909.537.7607
Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of your classes.
Important Information
Third party invoices for tuition and fees are prepared after the add/drop period for the semester in order to limit changes that might impact the amount due for tuition and fees. Invoices are mailed directly to the funding agency.
Agencies should contact the Third Party Billing Coordinator with any invoice questions.
If the University is unable to collect from the funding agency within a reasonable amount of time, the student will become responsible for payment. The student will be notified by email or U.S. Postal Service when the funding agency has been mailed a final demand for payment.
It is the policy of the University to protect our students' right to confidentiality. Sponsors must obtain information regarding transcript, and grades directly from the student.
Disallowed Charges
The sponsor agrees to pay California State University, San Bernardino as invoiced and seek reimbursement directly from the student for disallowed charges resulting from dropped courses, early withdrawal or insufficient grades.
Payment Guidelines
Payments are due 30 days of the invoice date, and may be made by using one of the following options:
- Check – Make payable to CSU San Bernardino and mail to:
California State University, San Bernardino
Student Financial Services UH-035
5500 University Parkway
San Bernardino, CA 92407
- Remittance information is important to ensure the correct account is credited. (Please include invoice number, student name and academic term)
- Electronic Funds Transfer – Contact Third Party Billing Coordinator to obtain banking information. Include any information that would help identify the payment in the text portion of the transfer.
Non-Registration Related Charges
Third Party billing is offered only for registration related charges. Contracts for charges such as room and board, books and admission applications will not be accepted at Student Financial Services.
Third Party Billing Responsibilities & Information
Sponsor Responsibilities
- Contract/Authorization must include the following information:
- Student's names and social security number.
- Description and amount of allowable charges.
- Sponsor's billing address, contact name and phone number.
- Dates or semester student will be sponsored.
- Sponsor's signature.
- Sponsor shall mail payment to the address provide on the invoice. Payment in full is due upon receipt of invoice.
- If the student is an employee of the sponsor and is terminated during the semester, the sponsor must pay as agreed and invoiced, and seek reimbursement directly from the student.
- If the student drops one or more of their classes after add/drop period, the sponsor must pay the full amount of tuition and fees as invoiced, and seek reimbursement from the student.
Student Responsibilities
- It is the student's responsibility to provide the University with a valid contract from their sponsor prior to the published semester payment due date to avoid late payment and other penalties.
- Review your account online to check for any unpaid balance. Students are responsible for charges not cover by the third party authorization.
- Any amount billed to the sponsor that they refuse to pay, will be charged back to the student’s registration account and must be paid by the student.
- It is the student's responsibility to maintain their current address information. Address update can be made online.
University Responsibilities
- Review authorization/contract upon receipt.
- After the University receives the authorization for payment an award is entered on the student’s account. This information indicates the funding source.
- Bill the funding agency after the third week of the semester.
- Any refund resulting from an adjustment to the student’s registration after sponsor payment, will be returned to the sponsor.
California State University, San Bernardino
Student Financial Services – Third Party Billing/Sponsored Billing
5500 University Parkway UH-035
San Bernardino, CA 92407
Phone: 909.537.5162
Fax: 909.537.7607