CSUSB Intramural ESports NBA 2K20 Fall 2020
Week 2 Schedule
Game 2 – September 21, 2020
Megali Barajas (NUGGETS) vs. Nicholas Flowers (CELTICS)
Jerald Berdijo (CLIPPERS) - BYE
Game 3 – September 23, 2020
Jerald Berdijo (CLIPPERS) vs. Nicholas Flowers (CELTICS)
Megali Barajas (NUGGETS) – BYE
Game 3 – September 21, 2020
Onyeka Ubatuegwu (LAKERS) vs. Dani Palacios (LAKERS)
George Gutierrez (BUCKS) vs. Marco Serrato (LAKERS)
Game 4 – September 23, 2020
Dani Palacios (LAKERS) vs. George Gutierrez (BUCKS)
Onyeka Ubatuegwu (LAKERS) vs. Marco Serrato (LAKERS)
Week 1 Schedule
Game 1 - September 14, 2020
Jerald Berdijo (CLIPPERS) vs. Nicholas Flowers (CELTICS)
Game 1 - September 14, 2020
George Gutierrez (BUCKS) vs. Onyeka Ubatuegwu (LAKERS)
Dani Palacios (LAKERS) vs. Marco Serrato (LAKERS)
Game 2 - September 16, 2020
Dani Palacios (LAKERS) vs. George Gutierrez (BUCKS)
Onyeka Ubatuegwu (LAKERS) vs. Marco Serrato (LAKERS)
Who can play?
- Any CSUSB currently enrolled student that has NBA 2K, FIFA 20 or Madden 20 on Xbox or PS4
- Must sign up before September 4, 2020 by 11:59pm for Tournament #1
- Must sign up before October 2, 2020 by 11:59pm for Tournament #2
How Do I Sign-up…
- Signup Here:
- eSports Signup
- Please copy and paste the following information and email to csusbim@gmail.com
- Name:
- Student ID#:
- Email:
- Gamer Tag/ID:
- League: NBA 2K20, FIFA 20, Madden 20
- Console: Xbox, PS4
- Tournament #1 will be played from September 7th through September 24th
- Tournament #2 will be played from October 5th through October 29th
- Players will communicate through email exchanges with other players to exchange gamer tag/ID and report scores to intramural sports
League Information:
- All leagues start on September 7th. There will be two separate tournaments going on (one for Xbox and one for PS4 users) in each league.
- Participants will be schedule for two matches a week and schedules will be post on the RecWell IM website under the sports you are participating in basketball (NBA2K), Soccer (FIFA 20) or Football (Madden 20).
- Participants will have 48 hours to player each match from the time the schedule is posted.
- First game schedules will be posted on Mondays by 12:00pm and you will have until Tuesday by 10:00pm to play your opponent.
- Second game of the week schedules will posted on Wednesday by 12:00pm and you will have until Thursday by 10:00pm to play your opponent.
- It is each player’s responsibility to contact their opponent and come to an agreement of when you both will play the game.
- After the game is played both players are required to submit an image of the scores of the games.
- If the game is not played by the deadline it will result in a double forfeit.
Reporting Games:
- Upon completion of the game both players must Self-Report their own game score with a picture to csusbim@gmail.com
- Name:
- Opponent:
- Gamer Tag/ID:
- League: NBA 2K20, FIFA 20, Madden 20
- Console: Xbox, PS4
- Team:
- Game Scores:
- Failure to report scores by 10:00pm may result in one or both players forfeiting
- 1st place: $50.00 e-gift card
- 2nd place: $25.00 e-gift card
Tournament #1
- Game 1: September 8th because of holiday on September 7th (Labor Day)
- Game 2: September 10th
- Game 3: September 14th
- Game 4: September 16th
- Playoffs Round 1: September 21st
- Quarterfinals: September 23rd
- Final Four: September 28th
- Championship: September 30th
Tournament #2
- Game 1: October 5th
- Game 2: October 7th
- Game 3: October 12th
- Game 4: October 14th
- Playoffs Round 1: October 19th
- Quarterfinals: October 21st
- Final Four: October 26th
- Championship: October 28th
Please note depending on how many players sign up by the deadline the format might change.
NBA 2K20
- Game Format
- Games shall be played 1v1
- The competitor with the most points after the end of the regulation wins the game
- Games will be played best 2 out of 3
- Games will consist of four 3 minute quarters
- All Settings and Camera Angles will be the Default Settings and Skill Level set to All-Star
- Squad types should be set to Online
- Only current NBA teams are allowed. Retro, Fantasy and/or All-Star Teams are prohibited
- Please take note that the tournament is played with the latest NBA 2K20 update.
- If two competing players want to play with the same team, then this is allowed but jersey colors must be contrasting to ensure adequate visibility