Employee Appreciation Picnic
Annual picnic FREE to all CSUSB faculty and staff. Programming includes lunch, music, games, prizes, and the coveted 'I "Heart" CSUSB' shirt.

LEARN Conference
Hosted by Staff Development Center and LEARN Planning Committee
LEARN facilitates opportunities and spaces where employees can network and build collegial work relationships through learning journeys for professional & career development, health & wellness, and technical skills training.

President's Retirement Luncheon
Hosted by Benefits, Division of Human Resources
Retiring staff, faculty, and administrators are recognized for their years of service and dedication at a reception sponsored by the President's Office and coordinated through Human Resources. This annual event acknowledges those employees who have elected to retire from the University.

President's Service Awards
Hosted by the Division of Human Resources
Each year, a luncheon is held to honor non-faculty employees who have completed 5, 10, 15, 20+ years (or more, in five-year increments) of service to CSUSB. Employees who have held continuous appointments with CSUSB are eligible to be recognized. CSUSB University Enterprises Corporation, Student Union, and Associated Students, Inc. employees are also eligible.

Student Employee Appreciation
Hosted by Student Employment and Student Employee Appreciation Planning Committee
In conjunction with the National Student Employment Celebration Week in April, CSUSB hosts the Outstanding Student Employee of the Year Award. One finalist from each division will be recognized at the Annual Student Employee Appreciation Event.

Wellness Fair
Hosted by Benefits, Division of Human Resources
CSUSB's Annual Health & Lifestyle Benefits Fair offers staff the opportunity to receive answers to their benefits-related questions and learn more about health & lifestyle vendors.