Credit by Exam (CBE)
A student may petition to receive course credit by examination. In this manner a student who already possesses, or through independent study is able to acquire, the skills or knowledge of the ideas and concepts of a course can accelerate progress through the university. Students must register for the examination in the office of the college or department concerned before the first day of classes of the term in which the course is offered. Exact times and places of the examination are announced by the departments. Students who wish to take an examination should consult with the department office well in advance. Some presumptive evidence is required to indicate that the student has a reasonable chance of passing the examination. The student must complete the examination within the first two weeks of the term. Courses may be designated by a college, school, department or appropriate unit as inappropriate to be challenged by examination on the basis that course content is not suited to such examination.
A student who passes an examination is given the grade CBE for that course, provided that this does not duplicate credit counted for his admission to the university. This symbol indicates that a student has successfully passed a course through examination. It is not included in the calculation of grade point averages. No official record is made of failures in these examinations. No fee is charged for these examinations.
Examinations for course credit are given under the following restrictions:
- They may be taken only by students matriculated through regular enrollment at the university in courses other than the one(s) to be challenged.
- They may not be taken by students who have received credit for work in the subject in advance of the course in which the examination is requested, except where permission is granted by the college or department concerned.
- They may not be taken to raise grades or remove failures in courses.
- Once students have successfully challenged a course, they may not subsequently enroll in the course for credit. Units attempted, units earned and grade points for any such enrollment will be disallowed.
- A maximum of 27 units of credit may be received through such examinations.
- A student may repeat an examination for credit only upon approval of the associate provost for academic programs.
- Credit by examination may not be used to fulfill the minimum residency requirement.
- The course must be offered during the term in which the examination is taken. However, students may not enroll in a course they plan to challenge. If the challenge is unsuccessful, the student may add the course subject to the regulations for adding a class printed in the Class Schedule.
For regulations concerning credit by examination in graduate programs refer to Graduate Degree and Program Requirements.