Simultaneous Enrollment (Time Conflict)

Procedures have been established whereby a student may enroll in two courses that are scheduled to meet at overlapping times. The student should obtain an approval for a Simultaneous Enrollment. Students will discuss with the instructors for both of the courses involved to make special arrangements, then obtain the approval of both class department chairs. To obtain these approvals, submit a request through the Permission Request link from your Student Center.
Simultaneous Enrollment Form (Undergrads Only)
Graduate Petition For Simultaneous Enrollment
Please note: For graduate students, refer to the Office of Graduate Studies for additional information and procedures. This graduate petition can also be obtained through the Office of Graduated Studies, located in the College of Education building, room CE-356. There are two ways to submit a permission request as a Graduate student, either by using our Adobe sign form, or submitting a permission request via your Mycoyote student portal.